Reliance Netconnect's website has been targeted by Brazilian hackers and
the website's inside pages replaced by the following message:
Hackeado por HighTech Brazil HackTeam
No\One - CrazyDuck - Otrasher - L34NDR0
While the regular content loads just fine you type in, visiting any of the inside pages or typing displays the above message.
The hackers also targeted the website of South Africa's TopTV. Reason or
motivation behind the hacking isn't clear yet. The attack was first
spotted by the team at The Hacker News.
Anonymous hacked into Reliance's servers in such a way that users trying
to access Facebook, Twitter, Google, Gmail and Yahoo were greeted by a
message criticising the Indian government and ISPs for cracking down on
Internet freedom.
The same hacker or group of hackers have also defaced the PG Glass
website. The PG Glass home page currently (2 January at 09:30) displays
the message “Hackeado por HighTech Brazil HackTeam…
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