Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Team GhostShell Exposes 700k accounts from African Universities & Business

Team GhostShell today exposes data including 700,000 accounts / records from African universities and businesses during a campaign named ProjectSunRise. Group mentioned "GhostShell's new project focuses on Africa, mainly, for the time being, South Africa and to some extent other countries from the continent, such as Algeria, Nigeria, Kenya and Angola."

In this new campaign hackers have targeted a many companies and universities i.e Angola's National Diamond Corporation, Ornico Marketing, Moolmans Africa Mining Corporation, South African Express Petroleum, State University, Kenyan Business Directory, PostNet Internet Services and also PressOffice linked to BidOrBuy which is South Africa's largest online store.

Hacker release Mysql databases dumps of all these sites via pastebin notes. Hackers said, "Companies like Anglo American have decimated our vast natural resources and have paid our local workers next to nothing. In a result of that they have become angry leading to multiple strikes that have crippled our economy. But you must be thinking, strikes mining industries pah! A fast developing country like South Africa should be able to shake that off with all that 1st world investment they are getting! But corrupt politicians from both the ANC and the DA have put the country into a spiralling economic disaster!"

Team Ghostshell also declare that under a new operation #OpSAfrica with Anonymous Group they will fight against corruption and will make all knowledge free and help South Africa out of crime, corruption and poverty.

Before this Team Ghostshell hack and leak 120,000 records from Major Universities Around the Globe and leaked, 2.5 million records from Russian government and 1.6 million accounts from major organisations.

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