'Anonymous' hacker who cost Paypal millions escapes jail
A 16-year-old 'hacktivist' whose targeted cyber attacks cost Paypal,
Mastercard and Visa millions of pounds escaped jail today after the judge
ruled he had been affected by special needs.
In London today, an 18-year-old anonymous hacker received an 18-month
youth rehabilitation order and a 60-hour unpaid work requirement for his
involvement in "Operation Payback".
One strike against Paypal alone cost the site £3.5 million pounds. But Jake Birchall escaped jail today after the judge ruled he had
been affected by special needs. He was an advanced user of the internet
and had used it for nine years, since he was eight years old.
"He did play a prominent and important part in this and I think he
has got to learn to get out of bed in a morning and do unpaid work." The judge said.
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